2019 Year in Review | 2020 Plans and Goals

Published on January 8, 2020

I wanted to share my year in review and plans and goals for this next year with you in this post.The holidays have come and gone, and every year around this time, I become reflective and hopeful. For obvious reasons, I reflect upon the year (and in this case, the decade) that just ended, assessing what worked and what didn't. But I also become ridiculously hopeful for what the upcoming year has in store. At the bare minimum, the new year is a fresh start. For a perfectionist like me, who can't help but dwell on the mistakes I've made and the things that didn't go as planned, the inherent hope a clean slate holds is invaluable. 2019 Year in Review

2019 Year in Review 

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My hopes are set higher than just the bare minimum. I'm cautiously optimistic that this could be one of the best years ever...and not because things just fall into place. If it meets or exceeds my expectations, it will be because I put the hard work in and sought God above everything else in my life. Proverbs 12:11 tells us that "Whoever works his land will have plenty of bread, but he who follows worthless pursuits lacks sense." While I certainly do NOT need any more bread (ahem), those pesky worthless pursuits seem to keep tripping me up (so.much.distraction.). So, I have resolved to focus my attention on those things that will help me achieve the bigger goals I've set for myself and my family and be vigilant about staving off distractions.

Resolutions For the Year

I believe in resolutions. Like, I firmly believe in them. I mean, look at the definition!



2019 Year in Review Office

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Plans and Goals for 20202019 Year in Review

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Looking Ahead

That should take me through the spring, which if I'm being totally honest, bums me out. No new projects for the rest of the school year. I love starting new things. It's finishing them that is so hard for me.However, renovating the girls' bathroom right after we moved in (due to to a leak) was such a gift because every time I walk into that beautiful space I'm reminded of how wonderful it is to actually take a project across the finish line. So, I'm committed to finishing that checklist before even considering any other projects. I hope you'll come along for the journey and hold me accountable.Last year I was all over the place, and it showed in my blog and Instagram feed. I'm turning over a new leaf this year though. Despite my less-than-stellar 2019, you still showed up, read my posts, liked and commented, and supported me. For that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

2019 Top Blog Posts2019 Year in Review

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I thought it would be fun to show you what your 5 favorite blog posts were. Some of them surprised me, but the #1 favorite post encouraged me so much and has helped me understand what you want to see more of in 2020. #5 - Building a Frame for Artwork#4 - 5 Steps to Finding Your Style#3 - Shared Office Reveal#2 - Christmas Home Tour#1 - Girls' Bathroom Reveal

What Plans and Goals Are Next2019 Year in Review

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If all goes well and all current projects are finished by the beginning of summer, then I'll probably begin to think about these next spaces in our home...

  • Adding windows in the front living room, master bedroom, and Noelle's room.
  • Powder bath renovation (I've had this one planned since before we moved in).
  • Master bathroom temporary makeover.
  • Hannah's window seat and wall treatment.
  • Framing out all windows.
  • Fireplace floor-to-ceiling build out.
  • Hardwoods throughout our home (this is a BIG dream and probably won't happen in 2020).

Wildflower Home is a one-woman show put on by a stay-at-home mom who is trying to balance alllllllll the things: marriage, law enforcement family life, raising tween and teenage daughters, keeping house, owning pets, helping to run our family's nonprofit, and working towards a healthier version of myself (aka - losing a bunch of weight). One might think I'm crazy for even trying to keep up with a blog, but I fell in love with the process, and though I consider walking away from it about 100 times every week, I always come back to my love of all things creative and beautiful, and I come back to YOU. You are a huge part of why I do this and what keeps me going. So just know that every time you are inspired, leave a comment, or interact with me in some way on here, it means more to me than I can express.This next year is going to be a good one!


Kitchen Update and Inspiration Pictures


Elegant New Year's Eve Tablescape