Styling Thrifted Items to Create a Hallway "Moment"

Styling thrifted items to create a hallway "moment" is an affordable way to bring joy and beauty into even the tiniest or seemingly insignificant areas of your home.If you've been here very long, you know how often I use thrifted and second-hand pieces in my home. It's second nature to me to breathe new life into something and let it become a part of my family's story. Over the weekend, I did exactly that...breathed new life into a second-hand table and created a moment in our upstairs hallway that's unique to us, and I'm thrilled to share it with you today. And I'm joining my friend Jess over at who is also sharing how she styled thrifted items around her DIY frame TV, so be sure to head on over when you're done here. Let's take a little walk down memory lane. This is what this little space in our upstairs hallways looked like when we moved in...hallway before with brown paint on wallsFor context, this area is right off our his and hers home office/guest room that is still very much in flux right now. It's not enough space to do a lot, but it's just enough to need a moment. moment is defined as: 1. a very brief period of time and 2. importance. I love that because one of my favorite things to do is create moments of importance to our family throughout my home...just brief, beautiful moments that cause us to reflect on a memory, appreciate a piece of meaningful art, or help us function better in the home. I recently gave our downstairs hallway a simple refresh, and that has sparked so much joy for me.After styling some thrifted items to create this hallway moment, I realized it incorporated all three. hallway moment with thrifted items

Art and Memories

The sketch was drawn by my late dad, and when I walk by, I am reminded of the many creative gifts he passed down to me. The art below it is a piece I've had for a long time, and I purchased it because it's a reminder that "We all like sheep have gone astray"  (Isaiah 53:6) and we daily need the Lord's guidance. closeup of dried orange flowers in front of art

Function and Beauty

The black lamp is, of course, functional as a nightlight, even though there is no outlet here (hoping to resolve that soon). Until then, I'm using a puck light. And the tall basket cleverly hides a big trash can my girls can use so they don't stuff all their trash into the one bathroom trash can anymore. The vase was an estate sale find in our neighborhood, which I adore for some reason. And the dried flowers from Hobby Lobby remind us of the beautiful trips we've taken through central California. It's just all meaningful, purposeful, or simply beautiful, and I love this thrifted hallway moment so much. side view of hallway moment using thrifted items

What it Looked Like Before DIY

Oh, and I almost forgot to show you what the $20 second-hand little table looked like before I sanded it, stained it, and added a beautiful brass detail to the drawer. It was very orange and completely boring. A few hours of DIY and it looks like I found it at an antique favorite place! side view of hall table beforeGosh I love these little vignettes, especially because there are bigger renovations and changes we just can't budget for right now. These moments, especially when created on a shoestring with thrifted and meaningful items, are helping me find so much joy in my home right now. Also, did you see the curbside French doors painted in Accessible Beige? Look closely and you'll see they are fully painted, and I'm in love! Now I just have to finish up painting the baseboards and making the inside of the office/guest room beautiful since it's on display 24/7 now. I hope you enjoyed this bonus blog post this week, and let me know in the comments if you love little hallways moments as much as I do. And head over to Jess' blog to see her incredible styling!signature

*Affiliate links are used in this post. I receive a small commission for each item purchased through these links, but this does not affect the cost to you. Thank you for your support!



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