Tasteful Figure Drawings That Aren't Nudes

Nude figure drawings are beautiful, but they can be very off-putting for the average homeowner, so I compiled my favorite tasteful figure drawings that aren't nudes. Hopefully, this post will demonstrate that you can have the beauty of sketched figure drawings without your home becoming X rated. All joking aside, have you searched figure drawings on Etsy lately? Trust me...don't do it. Or at least, don't do it if little eyes are nearby. It's that bad. console table with figure drawings styledListen, I'm no prude when it comes to art. I understand the point and beauty of nude figure drawings...I just don't like them. As a Christian mom and wife, I personally believe they are inappropriate for the walls of my home. I understand the history of nude sketches and sculptures. After all, I did grow up in a family of artists and studied art all throughout my schooling. And I know that if we were to travel to Europe with our girls, they would see nudity in the sculptures and artwork everywhere. But, I don't want to have naked figures displayed in our home for my family to see every day. It's not a morality issue, it's a personal preference based on our values and standards.closeup of figure drawings and styled console table 

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I love the way this gallery wall looks...classic and elegant. But then, when I look closer and see that there are two nude women on the wall, it ruins it for me. No disrespect to the late Kate Spade, or anyone else who chooses to use nude figure drawings in their home, but I just don't care for them in mine.gallery wall of sketchesAgain, no judgment for those who love and appreciate nude figure drawings, but this piece, called Motherhood, is more my speed. side view of figure drawings and styled console tableFor me, it's about the story the art tells. A nude figure drawing, for me, doesn't tell a story that has any importance to my family. So, as with all of my intentional design decisions, I stick to what is authentic, appropriate, and undeniably us. side view of console table with figure drawing and styledI've had the idea to draw my own collection of tasteful figure drawings for a long time. I used to run an Etsy art shop, and I miss drawing and painting. But until I'm able to wear the hat of artist again (not anytime soon), I'll just keep weeding through what's out there and finding pieces that are appealing to me.Here's my roundup up of figure drawings that are tasteful, interesting, and modest enough for anyone's home. I love all of these pieces and chose #8 for my entryway, but I'm already planning to incorporate more of these beautiful drawings into my décor this year. roundup of tasteful figure drawings

1  |  2  |  4  |  6  |  7  |  9  |  10 11 12  |  13  |  14  |  15

I know all of those aren't technically figure drawings, but I thought I would offer a variety of different subjects so you could see that it's more about the feel of a sketched figure drawing than an actual figure. You could also use those animal figure drawings in a kid's bedroom and they would be so precious and different. What are your thoughts on figure drawings? Do you love them, hate them, or fall somewhere in between? Let me know in the comments below. signatureYou might also be interested in:https://wildflowerhomeinteriors.com/roundup-vintage-dalmatian-dog-art/https://wildflowerhomeinteriors.com/roundup-affordable-sconce-lighting-and-sconce-tour-of-our-home/ 


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